
Monday, May 11, 2015 - 7:00pm


MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


7:00 P.M.



Agenda Item #1


              Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #2


              Review & Approval of Minutes:        05/04/15


Agenda Item #3


              Regular Business

Newmarket Mills, LLC/Harry Wesson - Continuation of public hearing for an application for Variances from Section 4.05(B)2 of the Newmarket Zoning Ordinance, for a roof mounted sign and Section 4.05(B)(3) to allow two signs for both “Butcher’s Choice” and “Newberry Farms”, at 66 Main Street, Tax Map U2, Lot 57, M2A.  (It has been determined that only one variance is necessary, from Section 4.05(B)(2) for the roof mounted sign)

Waterway Realty LLC - Public hearing for an application for a Variance from Section 1.05(C)(1) of the Newmarket Zoning Ordinance to permit existing duplexes to remain on a subdivided lot, which is a nonconforming use on a nonconforming lot, and a Variance from Section 2.09(B) to permit two existing duplexes to remain in the R1 Zone on a smaller lot than presently exists, thereby increasing the nonconformity of the use and the lot.  The lot is located at 310 Wadleigh Falls Road, Tax Map R5, Lot 85, R1 Zone. 


Agenda Item #4


              New/Old Business


Agenda Item #5




All meetings are scheduled to end by 10:00 p.m.  If an agenda item is not completed by that time, it may be continued to the following month’s regular meeting date.  The Board reserves the right to reschedule agenda items within their noticed time frames.  The Board also reserves the right to extend the meeting time beyond 10:00 p.m., if they deem it appropriate.