Zoning Board of Adjustment

The Zoning Board of Adjustment rules on applications for Variances, Special Exceptions, Appeals of Administrative Decisions, and Equitable Waivers. As a quasi-judicial board, they have the responsibility of interpreting the provisions of the Town's Zoning Ordinance and deciding whether relief from those provisions is warranted in individual circumstances.

The Newmarket Zoning Board of Adjustment meets on the second Monday of the month. When a holiday falls on the second Monday of the month, the ZBA will meet on the third Monday of the month. Applications must be received by the Office of Planning, Zoning, and Building Safety seventeen (17) days before the meeting date. Please see the link on the menu to the left for the calendar and submission deadlines.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
David Evans Zoning Administrator (603) 659-8501 ext. 1311

Board Members

Name Title
James Drago Member
Wayne Rosa Vice Chairman
Bob Daigle Chairman
Al Zink Member
Henry Smith Alternate
Lee Veader Alternate