Piscassic River - Loiselle Conservation Area

Picture of hay bales in field
Piscassic River-Loiselle Conservation Area courtesy photo by Melissa Sharples

270 Wadleigh Falls Road/Rte 152 - 45 acres   I    Tax Map R5 Lot 91-2

DIRECTIONS: from the center of Newmarket follow Route 108 South, then right on Route 152 and continue for 1 mile. The driveway entrance is on the right, between two houses. Continue to the gravel parking area, where you will find the information kiosk and trailhead.


The Town of Newmarket purchased this 45-acre parcel in 2003 with funding from the Newmarket Open Space Bond, Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP), and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Water Supply Land Grant Program. The property was sold to the Town for conservation purposes by the Loiselle family in loving memory of their parents, Robert M. and Estelle T. Loiselle.

The property protects 1,900 feet of riparian habitat along the Piscassic River, an important tributary to the Lamprey River. The 11-acre hayfield is mowed by a local farmer and offers an open vista and habitat for tree swallows, bluebirds, chimney swifts, and turkey vultures. The walking trail leads through the field and into an Appalachian oak-pine forest. From there, the trail winds along stone walls and around rock outcrops. The woods are lush with overstory oaks, hickories, and pines and an understory of native plants including alder, elderberry, dogwoods, blueberries, ferns, and baneberries. Wetlands in the uplands and along the Piscassic River are home to wildlife including wood frogs, salamanders, turtles, snakes, ducks, mink, deer, and dragonflies.

For a relatively small property, not far from downtown Newmarket, the Piscassic River-Loiselle Conservation Area is a beautiful and diverse mix of field, forest, and wetland. The trail offers a relaxing respite after work or school or on the weekend. For an extended walk, continue to New Hampshire Audubon’s Follet’s Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, a 57-acre parcel that is managed for wildlife and low-impact recreation. Please keep dogs on a short leash at all times when on the Audubon Sanctuary. For more information on NH Audubon, visit www.nhaudubon.org



  • Open dawn to dusk
  • Please keep dogs on leash or under control and remove dog waste
  • PLEASE beware of hunting seasons
  • NO bicycles, motorized vehicles or horseback riding on trails
  • NO fires, camping, or overnight use
  • NO smoking or alcohol
  • NO disturbance or collecting of plants, animals, historical, or cultural features