
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 9, 2014





DECEMBER 9, 2014




Present:           Eric Botterman (Chairman), Diane Hardy (Town Planner), John Badger, John Brackett, Janice Rosa, Jane Ford, Rose-Anne Kwaks (Alternate), Peter Nelson (Alternate), Dan Wright (Town Council ex officio)


Absent:            Val Shelton (Vice Chairman) excused


Called to order:         7:01 p.m.


Adjourned:                7:15 p.m.


Agenda Item #1 – Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #2 – Public Comments




Agenda Item #3 – Review and approval of minutes:          11/18/14



Motion:          Janice Rosa made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2014 meeting           

                        Second:           John Badger

                        Vote:               All in favor

                                                Rose-Anne Kwaks abstained due to absence

Dan Wright abstained due to arriving late at that meeting due to a conflicting meeting





Agenda Item #4 – Regular Business


NIP Lot 6 LLC/Shearwater Investment Corp – Continuation of a public hearing for an application for Major Site Plan review, at 2 Forbes Road (NIP Lot 6 LLC), Tax Map R3, Lot 9-6, and 181 Exeter Road (Shearwater Investment Corp.), Tax Map R3, Lot 8, both in the B2 Zone.  The proposal is for a 24,000 square foot expansion of the existing industrial building located at 2 Forbes Road, with associated parking, drainage, and landscaping improvements.  Pending site plan approval, the lots will be merged to make one lot.   


            Chairman Botterman read an email from the applicant requesting a continuance to the January meeting, as they are still working with NH Department of Transportation (NH DOT).  They have completed the field work that Jim Hewett had requested.  Their surveyor will get the site line information to Jim Hewett. 



Motion:          Janice Rosa made a motion to continue the Shearwater Investment Corp application to January 20, 2015

                        Second:           John Brackett

                        Vote:               All in favor


            Chairman Botterman appointed Peter Nelson to fill in for Val Shelton.


Agenda Item #5 – Other Business


            Chairman Botterman stated Angel Pet Crematory did some cutting they were not supposed to do.  This was handled administratively by the Town Planner and the Building Official.  The Board has been given a landscape plan with which the Town Planner is comfortable.  He stated he was also comfortable with this plan and having this continued to be handled administratively.  He asked the Board for their input or concerns on this.  They are planting some things to make up for some of the cutting they did.  Diane Hardy stated the Board had wanted them to maintain the natural woodland buffer.  It was on the plan as a note.  The builder/logger did not see the plan.  The owner was happy to hire a professional landscape architect.  He is going to try to make it a park-like environment in front.  What they have submitted will be an enhancement to what was there.  She is hoping this will be a win-win for everyone.  They took down some smaller growth and some pine that was threatening to the power lines and the portico they had built. 


            Chairman Botterman brought out another plan.  He stated the Town was in the process of doing a taking of property from Lane Cheney in the Durrell Drive subdivision by eminent domain.  It is a taking associated with a water treatment plant for the new well.  The taking involves a very small area.  The Town Attorney said the Board does not have to have a public hearing.  The Board just needs to okay it and the Chairman can sign the plan.  He passed copies out for the Board to look at.  The total square footage is 10,000 sq. ft., plus a 20’ wide easement.  He wants to make sure the Board is comfortable with him signing the plan.  The Town Council has approved this.  The Board was comfortable with the Chairman signing the plan.  The property owner is duly compensated for the value of the land.   


CIP Committee


Rose-Anne Kwaks stated the School Board was going to discuss their CIP figures at the December 18, 2014 meeting.


Planner’s Report


            The Town Council has reconstituted the Macallen Dam Committee.  Their focus is not on removal of the dam, they are looking at all options.


Agenda Item #6 – Adjourn



                        Motion:          Janice Rose made a motion to adjourn at 7:15 p.m.

                        Second:           John Brackett

                        Vote:               All in favor