
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 10, 2014



JUNE 10, 2014




Present:           Eric Botterman (Chairman), Val Shelton (Vice Chairman), Janice Rosa, John                                  Brackett, Jane Ford, Ginger Smith (Alternate)


Absent:            Dan Wright (Town Council ex officio) excused


Called to order:           7:00 p.m.


Adjourned:                  7:29 p.m.


Agenda Item #1 – Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #2 – Public Comments




Agenda Item #3 – Review & approval of minutes:            05/13/14



                        Motion:           Janice Rosa made a motion to approve the minutes of May 13,                                                   2014

                        Second:           John Brackett

                        Vote:               All in favor


Agenda Item #4 – Regular Business


            Consideration of appointment to fill Board member vacancy

                        Rose-Anne Kwaks

                        John Badger


            Chairman Botterman stated this item would be moved to the end of the agenda to allow Dan Wright time to come to the meeting.

NIP Lot 6 LLC/Shearwater Investment Corp - Public hearing for an application for Major Site Plan review, at 2 Forbes Road (NIP Lot 6 LLC), Tax Map R3, Lot 9-6, and 181 Exeter Road (Shearwater Investment Corp.), Tax Map R3, Lot 8, both in the B2 Zone.  The proposal is for a 24,000 square foot expansion of the existing industrial building located at 2 Forbes Road, with associated parking, drainage, and landscaping improvements.  Pending site plan approval, the lots will be merged to make one lot.    


            Chairman Botterman stated the applicant has given the Board a waiver of the 65 day requirement.  He would accept a motion to continue this item



                        Motion:           Val Shelton made a motion to continue this item to July 8, 2014

                        Second:           Janice Rosa

                        Vote:               All in favor


Newmarket Mills, LLC – Continuation of a public hearing for an application for Site Plan review, at Main Street, Tax Map U2, Lot 57, M2A Zone.   The proposal is to convert and expand the existing “Riverdale Automotive” building for a grocer focusing on local produces and meats, with a drive-through coffee service. 


Chairman Botterman stated he had a letter from the applicant requesting a continuance to July 8, 2014 meeting.



            Motion:           Val Shelton made a motion to continue this item to July 8, 2014

            Second:           John Brackett

            Vote:               All in favor


Agenda Item #5 – Other Business


            Planner’s Report


            Diane Hardy stated there will be a workshop on June 25, held in the Town Council Chambers, 6:30-9:00 p.m. called “Newmarket Plans for Municipal Stormwater Impacts”.  She went over the workshop agenda.


            Diane Hardy stated there will be a public information meeting on June 23 at 7:00 p.m., by Gomez and Sullivan, on the dam removal project.  The Planning Office has sent out over 350 notices to property owners along the Lamprey River in Newmarket and Durham.  This is the public’s opportunity to learn about the study and provide input. 






            Economic Development Committee


            Val Shelton stated this committee met a few weeks ago and there is another meeting on June 16.  The focus will be reaching out to the Planning Board for potential rezoning of the area east of the railroad tracks that is currently B2 and also the Route 152 B3 zone.


            Diane Hardy stated the Future Land Use chapter revision will be gearing up to start July 1.  The Board will spend time this summer formatting and organizing the chapter, and there had been discussion of having some kind of “visioning” session.  The Board could work with the Economic Development Committee to coordinate that.  It was mentioned there was still some funding for a design charette.  The chapter could be dovetailed with that process. 


            Diane Hardy stated there was still a vacancy on the Advisory Heritage Committee.  The Planning Board Chairman makes the appointment.  Chairman Botterman asked John Brackett if he was interested and he accepted.


            Consideration of appointment to fill Board member vacancy

                        Rose-Anne Kwaks

                        John Badger


            Chairman Botterman stated they would address this agenda item at this time. 


            Chairman Botterman stated the Board would take nominations and then would vote for each applicant.  If there is a tie, another vote would be taken where the members would vote for one or the other candidate. 


            Janice Rosa stated both were excellent candidates and asked if the one not appointed would consider being an Alternate member.


            Rose-Anne Kwaks and John Badger went over their backgrounds.


            Val Shelton stated there have been situations in the past where current Alternates have been brought up to be full Board members.  She asked if Ginger Smith was interested.  Ginger Smith declined at this time.  She would like to learn some more and may be interested at a later time.


            Janice Rosa nominated Rose-Anne Kwaks, Val Shelton seconded.


            John Brackett nominated John Badger, Val Shelton seconded.






            Chairman Botterman stated Rose-Anne Kwaks’ name was first on the agenda, so they would address her nomination first.  He asked each member to cast a vote.


            John Brackett   Nay

            Jane Ford         Aye

            Janice Rosa      Aye

            Val Shelton      Aye

            Eric Botterman Aye


            Chairman Botterman asked each member to vote for John Badger


            John Brackett   Aye

            Jane Ford          Aye

            Janice Rosa      Aye

            Val Shelton      Aye

            Eric Botterman Aye


            Rose-Anne Kwaks  four affirmative votes

            John Badger            five affirmative votes


            Chairman Botterman asked Rose-Anne Kwaks if she was interested in becoming an Alternate Board member.  She answered in the affirmative.


            Val Shelton nominated Rose-Anne Kwaks as an Alternate Board member, Janice Rosa seconded.


            All were in favor.


Agenda Item #6 – Adjourn



                        Motion:           Janice Rosa made a motion to adjourn at 7:29 p.m.

                        Second:           Val Shelton

                        Vote:               All in favor