
Meeting date: 
Monday, February 5, 2018



FEBRUARY 5, 2018




Present:             Chris Hawkins (Chairman), Bob Daigle, James Drago, Steven Minutelli (Alternate), Diane Hardy (Zoning Administrator)


Absent:              Wayne Rosa (Vice Chairman), Richard Shelton (Alternate), Bill Barr (Alternate) – all excused


Called to order:            7:01 p.m.


Adjourned:                    7:08 p.m.


Agenda Item #1 – Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #2 – Review & Approval of Minutes:   04/24/17 & 11/06/17



Motion:             Bob Daigle made a motion to approve the minutes of 04/24/17 & 11/06/17

                             Second:             Steven Minutelli

                             Vote:                  All in favor


Agenda Item #3 – Regular Business


John & Lori Wiswell - Public hearing for an application for a Special Exception, from Section 32-234, of the Newmarket Zoning Ordinance, to permit a 616 sq. ft., single bedroom, accessory apartment above the existing two car garage.  The property is located at 20 Great Hill Drive, Tax Map U5, Lot 24, R2 Zone. 


              Bob Daigle stated he and John Wiswell serve on the Newmarket Fire Department.  He stated there would be no conflict of interest and no financial gain to him from serving on the Board for this application.  The other Board members were in agreement.

              Chairman Hawkins appointed Steven Minutelli to fill in as a full Board member for the evening.          


John Wiswell stated the residence and garage were built in 1978.  They have lived there since 1991.  The accessory apartment would be for his in-laws.  His father in-law is in ill health.  He stated it would not impact the abutters.  He is not changing any footprint, there will be no expansion, and nothing will be built any closer to a lot line.  There is ample parking there.               


This situation is a hardship for them, as there is no extra bedroom in the house for anyone to use.  He and his wife may someday live in the apartment and one of his children may own the house.


              Chairman Hawkins stated he understood the application meets all of the requirements for the Special Exception.  Diane Hardy stated it did and all of the abutters were notified.


              Bob Daigle stated the lot was a conforming lot.  Diane Hardy affirmed that.   


              Bob Daigle stated this application fits exactly what the ordinance requires. 


              John Wiswell stated Diane Hardy was extremely helpful with this process.  He had met with all of his neighbors and told them he would accommodate any of their concerns.  For example, there would only be one additional car there, but, if there was some sort of vegetation shield they might want, he was willing to do that.  His wife is planning something of that nature anyway, so that may be done at some point.  He is sensitive to this being a neighborhood as they have lived there since 1991.  It is in their best interest and the neighborhood’s to make this as inconspicuous as possible. 


              Chairman Hawkins suggested they adopt the facts of the application as the Board’s findings. 



Motion:             Bob Daigle made a motion to approve the application based on the findings

                            Second:             James Drago

                             Vote:                  All in favor


Agenda Item #4 – Other Business







Agenda Item #5 - Adjourn


                             Motion:             Bob Daigle made a motion to adjourn at 7:08 p.m.

                             Second:             James Drago

                             Vote:                  All in favor