
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 12, 2017



SEPTEMBER 12, 2017




Present:            Eric Botterman (Chairman), Val Shelton (Vice Chairman), Jane Ford, Rose-Anne Kwaks, Peter Nelson, Michal Zahorik (Alternate), Glen Wilkinson (Alternate), Amy Burns (Town Council ex officio)


Absent:             Janice Rosa, Gretchen Kast (Town Council ex officio Alternate) – both excused


Called to order:           7:05 p.m.


Adjourned:                    7:21 p.m.


Agenda Item #1 - Pledge of Allegiance


Agenda Item #2 - Public Comments




Agenda Item #3 - Review & Approval of Minutes:         08/08/17


              Eric Botterman appointed Glen Wilkinson to fill in for Janice Rosa.



Motion:            Val Shelton made a motion to approve the minutes of August 8, 2017

                             Second:            Peter Nelson

                             Vote:                 All in favor


Agenda Item #4 -  Regular Business


Town of Newmarket – Notice of Merger – 13, 27, 21, 25, 33 Forbes Road, Tax Map R3, Lots 58-7, 58-8, 58-9, 59-10, 58-12.


              Diane Hardy explained the lots were shown on the tax maps, along with a right-of-way for the street.  The road was never built and the lots were never conveyed.  The Town’s legal counsel reviewed it and he felt it was appropriate to merge the lots and make the paper street go away, so to speak.  A letter was sent to Shearwater Investment, the abutting property owner, to inform them of this change.  In the title work, it was discovered that the size of Shearwater’s lot would be reduced by six or seven acres.  She explained the Town had gone to court and this land was decreed back to the Town as the railroad crossing from Forbes Road was never built which was part of an earlier agreement between the Town and Shearwater.  The Town asked Shearwater to notify them within 30 days, if there was an issue with the merger of the lots.   More than 30 days has passed and they have not heard from them.  She recommends the Chairman sign the merger for recording at the Rockingham County Registry of Deeds. At this time, it is a housekeeping issue.



Motion:            Val Shelton made a motion to authorize the Chair of the Newmarket Planning Board to execute the plan that will show the merger of Lots 13, 27, 21, 25, 33 Forbes Road, as shown on Tax Map R3, Lots 58-7, 58-8, 58-9, 59-10, 58-12 (to create a new lot R3-58-8)

                             Second:            Jane Ford

                             Vote:                 All in favor



Public hearing to amend Chapter 32 Zoning of the Municipal Code of the Town of Newmarket, New Hampshire, in accordance with RSA 675: 7.  The purposes of these amendments are to: (1) make modifications to Sec 32 –9.  Special use Permit to allow “nursing homes with skilled nursing facilities and memory care units” by Special Use Permits in a newly created Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Overlay District; (2) to add a new Article V. Sec 32-162 Skilled Nursing Overlay (SNF) district over a portion of the existing B-1 and B-2 Zoning District off New Roads; and (3) set forth definitions, permitted uses, design and development standards, and development review process for new district. 


              Eric Botterman opened the public hearing.


              No comments were made.



Motion:            Val Shelton made a motion to pass the amendment on to Town Council for consideration

                             Second:            Rose-Anne Kwaks

                             Vote:                 All in favor





Agenda Item #5 - New/Old Business


              Chairman's Report


              Eric Botterman mentioned the Board members had received a copy of the Excavation Regulations.  The regulations had been in an old, poor format, bad font, etc., and the document was reformatted and re-typed to clean it up.  There was no change in the content.


              Planner’s Report


              Diane Hardy stated the Town Council has established an Energy and Environment Committee and there is a Planning Board seat on it.  Eric Botterman suggested getting a copy of the resolution describing the committee and, after everyone has a chance to look at it, find out if someone on the Board is interested in being on it.  


Committee Reports




Rose-Anne Kwaks stated they had a four and a half hour meeting the day before.  There is another one Thursday night with the school.  They met with the Facilities Director.  He had 21 projects for the Town and 6 for the school.  They are moving right along in the process.  They toured the wastewater facility and other Town buildings.


Stormwater Regulations


Diane Hardy stated they had their first meeting two weeks ago.  They had a representative from the Conservation Commission and Peter Nelson and Gretchen Kast were there as members.  Ben Dreyer, the Town’s Engineer, with whom they have been working on the Town’s MS4 program, was also present.  They will be making a matrix of the existing regulations and what they need to bring them into compliance with MS4 requirements and the new stormwater model that was developed by the Southeast Watershed Alliance.


Agenda Item #6 - Adjourn



                        Motion:          Rose-Anne Kwaks made a motion to adjourn at 7:21 p.m.

                        Second:           Glen Wilkinson

                        Vote:               All in favor